Fearful, 2022, oil on canvas, 50x60cm.

This self-portrait is my response to the overturn of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court in June 2022. In this self-portrait I am naked. My favourite jacket is held up to cover my body. The fist my hand makes in front of my body as it holds up my jacket reminds me of the feminist symbol of the raised fist. The raised fist is famously associated with the black power movement; however, it also has a long history as a global symbol of solidarity and the fight against oppression. The fist is a symbol that we are bound with others in a common struggle, it is a symbol of strength and hope; and yet this portrait portrays a sense of fear as so many women in this world do not have the freedoms and choices that I have and that fills me with sadness and fear for the future of our world.


Sol 2022


Chest Pain 2022