Kerry,2023, oil on canvas, 60x76cm.

The subject of Alanah Brand’s portrait is Kerry, a former student who was diagnosed with FA when she was 15 years of age.FA (Friedreich ataxia) is a rare inherited genetic disease that causes progressive damage to your nervous system. Brand hopes this painting spreads awareness for this disease which affects 1 in 30,000 people. Brand also hopes this painting communicates how brave and courageous Kerry is. Brand watched Kerry receive this diagnosis with grace alongside her high school studies.  Brand hopes this painting sheds light on the difficulties teenagers face who receive a diagnosis like this. Brand and Kerry have also created a duologue to accompany this painting. Kerry is a keen actor and has used her skills to educate, and communicate her story, through this performance piece.


Heavy Heart Diptych 2023


I got you Gurl 2023