Heavy Heart (diptych), 2023, oil on canvas.

The subject of Alanah Brand’s diptych is her friend Stacey, a mum, partner, powerlifter, MUA and personal trainer. When Stacey found out she was pregnant with baby number two in 2022 she was excited and full of Joy. Stacey then discovered that she had an ectopic pregnancy, that her baby was growing outside her womb, she was heavy-hearted and full of pain. Around one or two in every one hundred pregnancies are ectopic and unfortunately, an ectopic pregnancy is fatal for the foetus. Stacey decided to share her pain and be vulnerable, knowing that there were others out there who may have experienced a similar pain to hers. This choice inspired the creation of this diptych, as Brand viewed Stacey as vulnerable, authentic and resilient in a time of extreme hardship.


Skull of a Skeleton with Burning Cigarette after Van Gogh


Kerry 2023