Archibald Prize 2023 finalist, Alanah Ellen Brand 'Solomon Kammer: never enough', oil on canvas, 152.5 x 101.3 cm © the artist, image © Art Gallery of New South Wales, Jenni Carter.

Alanah Brand’s portrait subject, artist Solomon Kammer, was a finalist in the Archibald Prize 2022. Although she lives with five diagnosed conditions, Kammer is often told she is ‘not disabled enough’ to be acknowledged as a person with disability. Despite this, she continues to create art and advocate for people living with disability, while experiencing chronic pain.

‘Solomon’s tenacity in the face of adversity makes her the perfect subject for the Archibald Prize,’ says Brand, a first-time finalist, who lives in Bendigo, Victoria.

Admiring her subject’s authenticity, resilience and artistic style, Brand believes that Kammer ‘shows the world what it’s like to live with illness, disability and trauma’. Brand says, ‘In the process, she has broken down the history of disabled and gender minorities represented across art institutions, exposing the prejudices, challenges and abuses faced by many.

‘In this portrait, I have used a plinth to show how Solomon has become a symbol of hope for many, including myself. Solomon is my mentor, and I would like to see her recognised for her progressive, significant contribution to the arts.’


Lauren Starr: reclaiming our stories